Autumn Migration
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An autumn wood, November is the month that leaves change in the Cape Fear Region |
Autumn is a very active season for birds and can be one of the best times to get into birdwatching. This is the time of year to put out a bird table for the first time as many birds will be looking for additional food sources for the winter. I also got into birdwatching during the late summer or early autumn. This season brings resident and migratory birds close to our gardens, and homes and is among the best times to find rare or unusual species. In the Cape Fear Region, Autumn Migration is the peak season for birding. You have songbirds from as far north as the Boreal Belt passing through our area. Many stray or wandering species from places as far as the tropics or Western North America end up in our area due to cold fronts and tropical cyclones. Lastly, this beginning of the birdfeeding season as most of our birds come to feeders during the autumn and winter when natural food sources are less abundant. I made a list of approximate arrival and departure times for birds in our area during the Autumn Season. Autumn Timetables
Migration in the Carolinas
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Map of Flyways, courtesy of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
Bird migration is a complex subject that is still a mystery to many people. Ornithologist and other scientists are still studying and tracking bird movements in the Americas, Europe and Asia and even with GIS data, modern tracking devices, and radar data, most migrations are still poorly understood. Birds migrate to travel between breeding and wintering territories. Competition with other species, food availability, climate, and nesting habitats are just some of the factors that determine a bird's success in a given environment. Summer residents such as vireos, warblers, and flycatchers generally arrive in North America between February and May and will begin their return trip after July or August. Winter birds that come from further north arrive between October and December and remain with us until spring. Migration may be triggered by natural instinct, weather patterns, or perhaps resource availability. However, it is important to note that not all birds migrate and many individuals or populations of a migratory species (like an American Robin) may choose to stay on their breeding territory. Migration patterns may also change with weather patterns, local food abundances and human impacts such as birdfeeding, planting of fruit bearing shrubs, or the fact that cities are slightly warmer than the surrounding countryside. There is still much to be learned about migration and it seems possible that migration is not a "hardcoded" behavior but is triggered by other factors.
Flyways: Most birds migrate along corridors called flyways. Flyways are used by ornithologists and other researchers to determine which routes do birds take to reach their breeding or wintering range. The Carolinas is located within the Atlantic Flyway which is one of the busier corridors in North America. The adjacent Mississippi Flyway is one of the busiest corridors for waterfowl. Flyways are mostly used to map waterfowl, crane, or shorebird migrations, although they can also be applied to birds of prey, passerines (aka songbirds), and other birds. In the Carolinas, there are two major routes that migrating birds take. The westerly track brings birds through the Appalachian Corridor in Western NC and SC, while the eastern track brings birds along the seacoast. Most of our songbirds migrate northward along the Appalachian Corridor in the spring, and fly along the coast during their southward journey in autumn. Keep in mind that birds will pass through all regions during migration. The Appalachian and Coastal tracks are the most heavily travelled corridors and host the most species diversity.
Songbird routes in our area
- In the spring, many songbirds pass through the Appalachian Corridor rather than the coast or piedmont. This means you will see more birds in the mountains from March to May
- In the autumn most southbound migrants hug the seacoast although there is a good amount of movement in Appalachia and the Piedmont region. You will see the most birds from the Outer Banks to Charleston or just inland.
Differences between spring and autumn migration
During spring migration, most songbirds are trying to get to their nesting territories as quickly as possible and are often in breeding condition. This means that a passing songbird will not linger in a given area for more than a few days, and you are less to see the birds once the trees leaf out. However, male songbird will sing while migrating, so keep an eye out for unusual songs. In the Cape Fear Region, spring migration is quite limited as most songbirds and even hawks fly along the Appalachian Corridor. You will mainly see breeding species that occur in our area, departing wintering birds, and perhaps widespread passage species like Rose Breasted Grosbeaks or Scarlet Tanagers.
In the autumn, birds migrate at more of a leisurely pace and juveniles are more likely to wander out of range. Additionally, songbirds will often remain in a given area for days or weeks at a time, gather around abundant food sources like fruit bearing trees, seed bearing plants, or your flower garden. During this time, birds are often easy to find, tame, and are closer to the ground. However, the trade off is that most migrants are quiet, and many of our songbirds lose their breeding plumages making them harder to identify. Autumn is a busy season for the Cape Fear Region and you will see birds from the Northern US, Eastern Canada and even the Midwest that do not nest or winter in the Carolinas. This is also the most likely time for unusual or rare visitors to turn up in our area.
Watching Birds in the Autumn
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Black and White Warbler |
Autumn birding is a rewarding experience and is one of the best times to try out the hobby of birdwatching for the first time. First off, there are more birds to see in your garden or at a local woodland or park. Secondly, birds are a little easier to find as they are more approachable, attracted to stationary food sources like fruit bearing shrubs, and will often try out birdfeeding stations. Later in the autumn, trees will lose their leaves and vegetation will die down, making it easier to see birds such as finches, woodpeckers, and warblers. If you put out a bird table or another birdfeeder from late summer to mid-autumn, it will be discovered by cardinals, chickadees, or finches in a short amount of time (often just days in my experience). With the exception of the unprecedented events of 2020, most birding organizations, nature clubs, and even local parks will host bird walks or birdwatching classes during the autumn. This is one of the best seasons to get into birds as you will have the entire winter to study field guides, learn resident garden species, and learn spotting techniques before the next breeding season.
Basic Pointers
- Many visiting and resident songbirds as well as birds of prey will visit gardens, parks, and local woodlands during the autumn
- Fruit bearing trees, shrubs, and vines such as magnolias, dogwoods, pokeweed, Virginia Creeper, and Wax Myrtle brings flocks of songbirds such as vireos, thrushes, and other species
- Warblers, wrens, sparrows, and buntings often feed or shelter in flowerbeds, weedy areas, or hedgerows, often at or below eye-level
- While trees do not lose their leaves in the Cape Fear Region until November or December, it is still easy to find canopy dwelling birds like tanagers, warblers, or flycatchers as they are often in isolated trees
- Songbird migrants often remain in an area for days or weeks at a time
- Cold fronts often bring in waves of birds, so scan your garden or a woodland after a weather system leaves the area for new species. Hurricanes will often blow in birds from further south.
- Focus mainly on the broad profiles of birds. Start out by distinguishing the shapes of warblers, vireos, flycatchers, and other groups before worrying about the exact species
- If you are new, focus mostly on high-profile birds like our resident cardinals, chickadees, woodpeckers, or Carolina Wrens, and take note of any bird that does not fit the profile.
- Your bird table, flower garden, or a community park is a good place to start
- Most songbirds migrate during the nighttime hours, so scan treetops about an hour or two after sunrise to see if anything new came in.
What to look for
- Keep your eye out for groups of birds in trees, shrubs, or in any location near water
- Along the immediate coast or near a large lake or river, birds tend to accumulate near the water's edge or in nearby vegetation
- Scan the skies for flyovers such as hawks, eagles, falcons, or vultures as they migrate during the daytime
- Fruit bearing trees, or wildflowers and grasses with seed heads, as these attract songbirds in large numbers. I find magnolias, dogwoods, crabapples, black gums, spicebushes, and hackberries to be the best trees to find migrating birds in
- At your bird feeder, look for warblers, buntings, finches, and sparrows amongst your regular visitors. After October, you should begin to see winter residents such as goldfinches, siskins, White Throated Sparrows, and Yellow Rumped Warblers in your garden.
- On lakes, rivers, and ponds, most ducks, geese and cormorants, (except resident Canada Geese or Wood Ducks) arrive in November or December, while resident herons, egrets, and ibis form roosts near lakes (such as Greenfield Lake) from September onwards.
Attracting Birds
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Pine Warbler at our window feeder |
Autumn is the best time to plan your bird habitat or expand your birdfeeding setup. Aside from the increased bird activity, the cooler temperatures make it easier to work on the garden, and establish new trees and shrubs (which is almost impossible during our sweltering summers). This is also the time to install or relocate nesting boxes, as the birds will have all winter to investigate them before nesting season arrives. Birds such as bluebirds, chickadees, nuthatches, and woodpeckers will look for potential nest sites in the autumn or early winter. As stated above, birdfeeders and tables are more likely to draw visitors from late September to November with chickadees, titmice, or cardinals finding new setups within a week. Here are some general things you can do in your garden during the final month of summer and through the autumn
Garden Checklist
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Narrow-Leaf Sunflowers are wildflowers that produce abundant seeds |
- This a good time to thoroughly clean bird tables, feeders, and baths. Take all feeders and scrub or soak them with a mild soap solution and consider repairing or replacing damaged or worn feeders. Same goes for birdbaths
- Since nesting is most likely finished, this is the time to clean out your birdhouses and make any needed repair. Be advised that some birdhouses may have been occupied by paper wasps or bumblebees. Leave these boxes until the frost (do not spray the wasps or bees)
- Begin planning your bird garden and try to plant any new trees, shrubs, or vines between October and March to allow them time to establish their roots before the next summer
- It is also a great time to remove any unwanted or invasive plants like privet, buckthorn, tallow "popcorn" tree, or wisteria as there is little chance of accidentally disrupting a nest.
- If you have a flowerbed or meadow, leave some seedheads for arriving goldfinches, siskins, or any Indigo or Painted Buntings that are still migrating through the area
- If you have hummingbird feeders, leave them up as Ruby Throated Hummingbirds persist well into November (with some overwintering), while the Rufous Hummingbird often visits the Carolinas during the autumn
- Experiment with new food types such as fruits, grape jelly, suet, mealworms, or seedcakes as birdfeeder activity increases
Birdwatching Spots
The Greater Wilmington Area is almost an ideal location for autumn birdwatching. Dozens of songbird species pass through the city and its suburbs each season, while the list of unusual or increasing "out-of-range" visitors on is growing. Wilmington's abundant tree canopy, lush gardens, and established hedges provide habitat in virtually every area of the city. The 50+ parks in the city, plus all of the nature preserves, gamelands, and other public natural areas in New Hanover, Pender, Brunswick, Columbus County NC and Hoary County SC provide access to all kinds of habitats. Everything from saltmarshes and coastal dune prairies to mature hardwood forest is within a short drive from the city. Some of the best places to find migratory birds are areas along the immediate coast, the Cape Fear River, major creek corridors such as Bradley or Burnt Mill Creek, and of course Fort Fisher in Southern New Hanover County. These areas include wetlands, grasslands, forests, and even landscaped areas and serve as "bird funnels" during migration season. Below are some of the locations I recommend for birdwatching excursions in the absence of organized field trips and walks.
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1. Greenfield Lake Park |
Greenfield Lake Park: Greenfield Lake is the crown jewel of birdwatching in the Cape Fear Region and is among the most active places during autumn migration. This park contains a large millpond that dates back to the 1700s that is surrounded by Baldcypress, sweetgum, tupelo, and other wetland trees as well as plantings of azaleas, dogwoods, and camellias. Greenfield Lake is located right in the center of the city but is by far the most "wild" areas in the city limits. While alligators, herons, and the occasional eagle or osprey are the main highlights, the park is loaded with songbirds and raptors all year long. During the autumn, Greenfield is a catchment for migrating warblers, vireos, thrushes, sparrows, and flycatchers, and has been the location of many unusual sightings. The Greenfield Lake Amphitheatre, and Wooden Bridge, are particularly active with songbirds, while waterfowl arrive on the lake itself from late October onwards. The park is easily accessible, has facilities, and is good to visit during the daytime hours.
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2. Fort Fisher and Federal Point |
Fort Fisher and Federal Point: Fort Fisher is a good example of a "bird funnel" as you can see dozens of bird species within this narrow strip of maritime scrub, and grassland. Federal Point is located at the very tip of Pleasure Island, just beyond the Aquarium and is bordered by the Cape Fear River to the west, the Atlantic Ocean to the east, and various inlets to the south. The "New Hanover Peninsula" actually continues all the way to Bald Head Island. However, the sweet spot for birding is the clumps of shrubs between the Fort Fisher Civil War battlefield to the parking lot at end of the island. On a October or November morning you can see hundreds of birds dropping into the shrubs after a long night of flying. The Fort Fisher Basin Trail (behind the Aquarium) is also a good spot with views of forests, shrubland, marsh, and meadows. The beach itself may host shorebirds or allow glimpses of sea ducks and cormorants flying along the coast. Along with Greenfield Lake this is personally one of my favorite birding spots in New Hanover County.
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3. Northern Section of Burnt Mill Creek |
Burnt Mill Creek and Wallace Park: The Burnt Mill Creek is a major watercourse that runs through New Hanover County and runs through residential areas near downtown. The creek as a long greenway that extends at least 1.6km (1 mile) and starts at Wallace Park (on Market Street across from a shopping center) and runs all the way to MLK Parkway. You will have to cross a few major streets to walk the corridor in its entirety and there are no marked trails, although the grassy area along the creek is generally mowed. Like Greenfield Lake, the creek corridor is a bird magnet and you will see everything from woodland birds to waterbirds along the greenway. The open grassy corridor also makes it easy to see birds as they fly overhead or forage in the shrubs, trees, or meadow areas. Some highlights include large numbers of warblers, vireos, wrens, and sparrows, herons, woodcocks, birds of prey, and even a Wood Duck or two. The corridor might also yield glimpses of Wild Turkey or White Tailed Deer, which is also a good reminder to be aware of other large wildlife that may visit or live in the adjacent woodlands. The Oakdale, Pine Forest, and Bellview Cemeteries are also good birdwatching areas long the creek that are open to visitors during the posted hours at the gates.
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4. Airlie Gardens and Oak |
Airlie Gardens: Airlie Gardens is a public garden that is managed by New Hanover County and is another hotspot for birdwatching. You will have to pay an admission fee to visit the park, and as with all public facilities, please check the hours and operational protocols before visiting. Airlie Gardens consists of 67 acres of managed gardens, woodlands, and azalea borders that sit along Bradley Creek. This property has old-growth hardwoods including a nearly 500 year-old Live Oak, several ponds, and patches of forests. Like at Greenfield Lake, you will see a wide variety of birds throughout the year, and autumn migration is one of the best times to visit. You will see many warblers, vireos, and other songbirds as well as wading birds (including Night Herons), osprey, eagles, and after October, various ducks and geese. The overlook over the creek offers views of saltmarsh and brackish wetlands that may yield an opportunity to see a Seaside Sparrow, Clapper Rail, or a Harrier.
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5. ILM Observation Deck |
Wilmington International Airport Observation Deck: This last destination is not a birding hotspot like the locations above, but was included for the unique opportunity to see grassland birds. Wilmington International Airport has a public observation deck located near the ATC control tower. This area is a public park that includes sitting areas, a pavilion, parking lots, and some informational signage about aviation history. You can access this area from North Kerr Avenue but it may be a good idea to use a mapping service (i.e. Google Maps) to find it. While planespotters (like myself) enjoy this area for its views of the runways, taxiways, and apron, the park also offers rare birding opportunities. The airport has the best example of shortgrass habitat in our area and is one of the few places you can reliably see or hear Horned Larks, Eastern Meadowlarks, and Grasshopper Sparrows and other prairie birds during the summer. During migration keep your eyes and ears out for Upland Sandpipers, mixed flocks of blackbirds, meadowlarks, pipits, various sparrows (including rarities like Lark Sparrows or Clay Colored Sparrows), and all three of our falcons (Peregrine, Merlin and Kestrel). In the winter, you may be able to glimpse a Short Eared Owl or Harrier over the airfield. More common sightings include Wild Turkey, flocks of White Ibis or Cattle Egrets, mixed flocks of swallows, and passing birds of prey.
I hope that this guide to autumn birdwatching will help new and experienced birders to enjoy the birds that pass through our region each autumn. Additionally, the information provided for gardeners and landowners should serve as a foundation for improving gardens for local birds and wildlife. Autumn is a fun time for wildlife enthusiasts alike and even as the growing season winds down, it is never too late to plan your next garden or find new ways to attract birds. I plan on adding additional content about autumn migration in subsequent articles or perhaps a standalone page including a simple list of our most common autumn visitors. Thank you for reading and I will see you in next week's edition.